
May 10, 2011

Spy Party

My son's spy party last year was a TON of work, but so much fun to put together.  I knew that I wanted the party to include clues to figure out and solve a mystery, but I wasn't sure exactly how to do it.  Some of my earliest ideas were so complicated that my family just stared at me like I was crazy when I tried to explain it to them.  I was getting myself confused!  So I will skip those ideas, and just tell you about what we did - because it worked.

Our plan was to make our house a Top Secret Spy training center.  The Evil Dr. Chaos became our villain trying to ruin our party and blow up the loot (treat bags) if we didn't solve the clues to stop him in time.

My parties always start with inspiration from other creative party planners out there on the internet.  I found an invitation that was a mini file folder, and that's what I duplicated, with my own twist of course.
I got the pattern for the mini file folders from here and sized them to be about 1/2 sheet when folded to fit into a 6"x9" envelope.  The font I used for the 'TOP SECRET' is Reprise Title found here. They all had another tag on them that read "For ____'s eyes only" so my son would know who to give them to.  The invitation included a mason cipher to solve the secret code which was "I love cake and ice cream". The font I used for the cipher was Fam-Code found here.

*I have a copy of the spy seal I used in the invites and for the front cover of the handbooks that I can email you.  Or get a blank one here. I also have versions of it for Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom that I have made upon request.

Click on the links above to download the Spy Seals from

*Update 5/29/18: I'm sorry that the Spy Seals for the above countries are no longer available due to unintentional copyright issues. I will work on changing the name on the seals, re-designing the whole seal, handbook, badges and freebies to be even better and getting new ones available soon! The blank one is still available for now.

So MANY activities!!!  I'll just go in the order we did them.

First we had the boys complete a background check.  We asked them the secret password and then they were fingerprinted and received their security passes.  These were really fun to make with my NSA symbol on them and their names, code name, and name in bar code.  I bought plastic badge holders and clips at Walmart.

The fonts I used to make the badges and the training manual cover sheets were: Reprise Stamp, Due Date, and Free 3 of 9 (bar code font).  The bar codes actually spelled out everyone's names, so they were all different.  The kids got the 'Agent in Training' badges, my older kid helpers got the 'Top Secret Agent' badges and I was the 'Chief Operating Officer'.  You can see on these what I did with the Great Seal of the USA.  I added the rings and text, the key, the bomb and NSA on the shield and the sunglasses on the eagle to make him cool.
I took individual photos of each trainee at the party (in sunglasses), and my plan was to put their photo onto a new Top Secret Agent badge for completion of the program.  Unfortunately, my oldest son had his appendix rupture a couple of days after the party and I never got around to it.  The most important things must come first.  BUT, for all you UK readers, awesome reader Wendy created one for your use.  Download it here.  Thank you Wendy!  If you are from another country and need to change the badges with the above seals, here is the file for you.  For all US readers, the badges are contained in the Spy Handbook link below.

I saw some fingerprinting sheets kind of like these on a website for child safety and made my own version on cards for each guest.  I just bought a cheap black ink pad at the dollar store and had my daughter fingerprint the boys and wipe off their fingers on a wet washcloth.

While waiting for everyone to get fingerprinted I had them do some stretching exercises to prepare for training, then we went into the back yard where their spy training manuals were set up on a table.  I bought big clips to hold in all of the papers, which was very important for an outdoor party with possible wind.

Download the Spy Handbook pages here!

*Update: The spy handbook had to be removed also (as mentioned above). I've added photos of the printables that don't have the Spy Seal on them for you to save and use.

The first page included the activities that we would be doing for the rest of the party and what skills they would develop.  Having a plan is SO important for a party with so much happening to keep you on schedule and make sure you remember to do everything.

#1  Spy Words.  This was a word search that I printed off from a website that creates word searches.  There are tons of them out there, you just type in the words and tell it what size you want your puzzle.  Since it took me quite a while to come up with the words for the word search, I will include them here since the whole purpose of this blog is to make party planning easier for everyone.  If you don't want to know them, just skip down to #2.  Intelligence, explosives, character, bribery, security, headquarters, cipher, objective, mystery, training, double agent, combat, laser beam, concealment, escape, evidence, mission, spying, eyewitness, fingerprints, clearance, informants, ammunition, secret, culprits, binoculars, rescue, fugitives, mastermind, observation, cover, badge, operative, disguise, incident, bugging, electronics, climbing, top secret, demolitions, warrant, bomb, footprints, target, investigation, villain, microchips, keys transmission, agency, magnify, undetectable, criminals.

We only spent a few minutes working on these and then moved on.  They could finish them at home.

#2  Code Breaking.  There are so many different codes, that I had a hard time deciding what ones to do.  I must have been really tired coming up with these, because they totally made me crack up (well, the second one did).  I got the Morse code photo last year on here, a site for kids run by the real NSA, but I can't find it on there anymore.

If you want to decipher them yourself, then don't read this part because here are the solutions:
'The blue moose left the party'
 'That thief is wearing a cheap suit.  Wait, that's my suit!' (that one was my favorite)
and 'The safe is in the outhouse'.  I know, they're stupid, but I was trying to make it fun for 9-year old boys, and if I get a kick out of it, it's just an added bonus. :)

#3  Memory Training.  We've all played this game before.  Bring out a tray of items, view them for 1 minute, write down all you can remember that was on the tray.  Went great with this party theme!  These are the items on our tray: digital camera, binoculars, cassette tape, air-mail envelope, $10.00 bill, measuring tape, pencil, flashlight, combination lock, Scotch tape, sunglasses, walkie-talkie, cell phone, pen, remote control, post-it notes, and it was all laying on top of the obituaries from the newspaper (nobody got that one).   At the bottom of this page is a little spot-the-difference puzzle I got from here.

#4  Pass the Dynamite.  This was fun to play, and fun to make the dynamite!  I love creating props.  I found the dynamite idea here, and made mine just using cardboard tubes stuffed with newspaper and wrapped with red tissue paper.  The colored wires were from the inside of a piece of electrical wire and they are just hot-glued into the tops.  I wrapped them together with black electrical tape.  If you want your dynamite to last for more that one party, then I suggest you Mod-Podge over the tissue paper because it tore from being handled so much.  I made 5 sticks, and I recommend a digital timer.

To play the game, you just set the timer and start passing the dynamite around a big circle like a hot potato.  When the timer goes off, whoever is holding it - blows up!  They are then out of the game until it gets down to the last person.

#5  Gum Shoe Detective.  The boys all traced their shoe on a piece of paper and then we mixed them up and gave everybody a tracing.  They had to try and find out who the shoe print belonged to.  It wasn't that exciting, so I don't recommend it.  If nobody seems interested, I quickly move to the next activity.  I think it would have been more fun to make a shoe print on a piece of tinfoil and they could have checked the tread pattern on the bottom of everyone's shoes.

#6  Target Practice.  This activity failed due to Nerf gun failure.  I had printed out a target that they were going to take turns shooting at with Nerf guns, but apparently my son's had killed their guns and didn't let me know about it until we tried using them at the party.  If I would have known that I would have done something like shooting Dixie cups off of a board with a squirt gun or something.  Luckily we had plenty of other activities to fill the time.

#7  Laser-beam Avoidance.  I got two wooden poles and hooked a red piece of yarn between them.  If they got under it, we lowered the string.  You know, it was like Limbo, but the boys could go under the yarn any way they wanted to as long as they didn't touch the laser-beam.  We got it down to about 6" off the ground and some of those boys could still scoot on their bellies under it.  They had a lot of fun with this game.

#8  Bomb Squad.  We had to move indoors to do this activity since balloons don't agree with grass.  We blew up tons of small black water balloons before the party and placed them on the carpet.  Each boy had about 30 seconds to pop as many bombs as they could while everyone else counted.  Some boys could only do a few and some did a lot.  It made a big mess, but boys love making messes (and noise).

#9  Evidence Destroying.  We told them that they had to get rid of any evidence that we had a party by eating all of the food.  We had pizza and root beer for the food, nothing fancy, and cupcakes and ice cream cups.  The cupcake toppers were just made with clip-art punched into circles and placed on wooden skewers.

As they finished eating, the doorbell rang and there was an envelope on the doorstep with an MP3 player in it and a cipher for a secret code.  We hooked the MP3 player up to a speaker and it played this message:

"Welcome new recruits, I am the NSA President.  We are aware that you are here for spy training, but an urgent situation has arisen.
The Evil Dr. Chaos has been trying to disrupt this school for years.  We have just been informed that he has stolen your loot bags and set a bomb to blow them up!  You are the only available agents in the area, and all will be lost if you can't unravel the clues and diffuse the bomb before it goes off.
If you complete this assignment you will automatically be promoted and receive your official spy certification.  The secret message we discovered is hidden in the mailbox.
Be careful - and good luck!"

I wanted it to be in my husband's voice, but he was out of town (in the middle of the dessert) with no cell phone service or I would have had him call and say the message over the phone.  I had my oldest son record it for me.

This photo shows all of the different clues and the ciphers for each one.  I thought they would make more sense if you could see them in a photo.  Some are also included in the Spy Handbook files.
Clue #1 in the mailbox.  I got this wording idea from another site, but I can't find where. It was great though and got adapted to fit our party! I wrote the message to include all of the letters I needed to spell out my clue, then those letters were changed to italics.  It's hard the tell in this font which is called Ghostwriter.  Then I drew little boxes around all of the correct clue letters and changed the font to white and printed it so only the boxes showed up.  With an Exacto knife I cut out the little boxes, and when you lay it over the message the next clue is revealed.  It says 'The next clue is on the door of the shed'.

Clue #2 tied to the door of the shed.  This one used a code that was in their training handbooks which they had just used, so they recognized it and rushed over to figure out the code.  We tried to make sure that different boys got to work on deciphering one of the codes if they wanted a turn.  This clue said, "The hen is in the nest."

Clue #3 was in the nesting boxes for our chickens.  This clue used the Mason cipher which had come with their birthday invitation and included two ciphers.  There is actually a font for this code called FAM-Code so you don't have to draw little pictures, you can just type in what you want it to read.  The clue spelled out, "They lay eggs in sand, but in this one you dig!"

Clue #4 was in our turtle sandbox.  The clue was in a plastic bag which contained a small mirror.  I printed out the clue in reverse so they had to use the reflection in the mirror to read it.  It read, "So you think you're on my heels?  Well, this final clue is on wheels.  It doesn't drive you anywhere, but pulls your stuff in there.  In a chest shut up tight, but don't search in the back yard or it will take all night.  You'll have to stop me soon, because if you're too late then....BOOM!!!"

Before the party I lit this paper on fire to try and make it look like someone tried to burn it.  Well, I almost had to start over because I barely got the flames put out in time! (Do that part near water!)

The bomb and treat bags were hidden in a tool chest on our trailer.  The kids all grabbed their loot and the bomb and after getting a photo of them all, I told them that their final task was to de-fuse the bomb by destroying it.  They happily tore it to shreds and it was full of candy.  It would be fun to do a pinata for the bomb, but we were out of time anyway.

The bomb was made out of a cardboard dishwasher tablet canister.  You could also use a round oatmeal container.

I wanted to get cloth bags made for the loot bags, but it didn't happen.  I used white paper sacks instead, and I think they turned out just as cute!  The $ labels are in the Spy Handbook.
They included: A notebook, magnifying glass, Mentos (if you've seen the Agent Cody Banks movies you know why), 100 Grand candybar, Smarties, Atomic Warhead jawbreakers, a squirt gun, and play money.  They also got to take home their training folders, badges and pencils.

WHEW!  That was exhausting just blogging about the party, you can only imagine how I felt after planning it.  It was really a lot of fun though, and now completely ready for you to copy.  All you need to do is come up with clues to fit your party, make some cupcakes and go shopping for loot!  Yeah, I know there's a little more to it than that, but hopefully I got some good spy party vibes heading your way.  Happy party planning! 


  1. Wow, I LOVE this! What a creative and well-implemented party! I'm also planning a secret agent party for my soon-to-be 9 year-old. Would you be willing to share your graphics, or tell me what program you used to create them? I'm not skilled enough in Word to create the great seal, for example... Any tips?
    Thanks! Anne

  2. Love, love, looooove your party! So creative and inspirational!

  3. What great ideas and photos! You put in a lot of work to plan and prepare this, but sounds like your son and his friends had an awesome time! This is great, thanks for sharing - my DD8 asked for a spy party this year. :o)

  4. THANKS SO MUCH for sharing!! My son will be turning 8 and wants a spy party. I LOVE all your ideas!!

  5. So sorry everyone for not doing follow-up comments! It wasn't notifying me and I hadn't checked. I'll try to get that fixed.

    I'm sure all of you that made comments have already done your parties, but for anyone else with the same questions, here you are.

    I did the graphics in Photoshop Elements. Similar effects can be done with Microsoft Publisher, but I haven't done much like that in Word.

    I just erased their words and added my own, the bomb and sunglasses.

    As my design skills improve I'll try to add original designs that can be shared.

  6. Thank you so much! I am going to use a lot of this for my son's upcoming 7th birthday.

    Would you be willing to share the seal that you made?

    Thanks! Heather

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. So happy I found your site. My son just decided to have a spy party and this was sooooo helpful. Thanks!!

  9. Thanks for sharing so many great ideas, this has been super helpful and fun to read about :)!

  10. That is awesome! We are having a Spy birthday party for my daughter's 9th birthday this weekend and I'm going to incorporate as many things from your party as I can. Thank you so much for sharing!!!!

  11. Thank you so much for sharing all the details of your wonderful party. I'm definitely going to incorporate many of them in my son's upcoming party. I will let you know how it turns out!

  12. Adorable! I'm going to use some of your ideas for an Activity Days activity! Thanks so much!

  13. My soon-to-be-8-yr-old wants a 'boys only secret meeting' for his birthday. You have wonderful ideas here and I will definitely be using some! Thank you so much for sharing your ideas!

  14. I am looking for a certificate to put in the thank you cards! Do you have any suggestions?

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Do you have copy of your seal, name badges and finger print badges that you would be willing to e-mail and share with me? I LOVE all your ideas for this party.


  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. I want to thank you SO MUCH for sharing this awesome idea. I had pinned it a few months back on Pinterest and it was the only idea my son liked for his 11th b-day party. Because of your details and sharing your clues and party plans, I pretty much copied yours. I just completed the post on my blog about the party and linked your post in several locations. I keep my blog unlisted but for any that do visit it, I wanted to give you credit. Thanks again! :) My link to the post:

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. I emailed you also:)

  23. Hi, I will try emailing you as 10 of the photos are now missing and are replaced with Photobucket ads. At any rate, I am excited and grateful that you are doubly generous, first, in sharing your ideas, and second, allowing us to contact you.

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. Another WOW. Thank you so much for sharing. I stole greedily from your idea bank and just had my son's party yesterday. It was a great success, thanks to you!!!

  26. Your party is just amazing.
    I'm French and I plan doing such a spy party for my son's 8th birthday.
    Did you manage to do all your games because I've got problem planning the duration of the party. I am afraid of running out of time for the games or at the opposite of not having enough games.
    Many thanks for your answer

  27. Barbara, I completely understand your time management problem. It is one of the things I stress over most with all of my parties.

    What I usually do is plan my activities, then try to imagine how long each one will take. I plan my party time around this. Most of the spy party activities took about 15 minutes each. Don't forget to plan time for opening presents, eating, and cake and ice cream.

    This party was 3 hours long and we got through all of it except for the target shooting because the Nerf guns weren't working.

    Here are some other general tips: always have a gathering activity to do since the kids don't show up all at once, have a time schedule for all of your party activities, know ahead of time what you can easily cut if time is getting short, and always plan some back-up activities in case you need more to do. Another thing to keep in mind: older kids can handle longer parties, but will still get bored if there's nothing planned, and little kids do better with shorter parties and some play time at the end.

    Hope I've been of some help. Maybe I'll try to do a full post about it in the future! Good luck.

  28. WOW, This was amazing. Very well organized and great ideas. I am so happy I stumbled onto your blog. Thank you so much!

  29. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  30. Owen, super cute party! Love the videos, thanks for sharing more ideas. Everyone should check it out.

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  32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  33. You Win. You Win Mothering.

    And thanks for blogging it - I'm a kids/teen librarian and we're doing a Spy Camp night for ages 10+, and I'm stealing tons of these ideas! - Liz

  34. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  35. Amazing! I am shamelessly copying loads of these ideas for my son's party next week. The boys have had their invitations and are getting very excited.
    Thank you so much for sharing all this; extra work for you and very generous.

  36. Thank you so much for this blog, my oldest daughter turns 11 in Aug, and ever since we went to the spy museum in Washington DC earlier this year she has been obsessed with spies, I will be using a lot of these ideas for her party

  37. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  38. I can not see your pics can you please send them to me via email, I sent you an email today. I love your blog

  39. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  40. Wow! wow! wow! You rock! :-)
    I'm doing a spy birthday too and wondering if anyone out there has any tips on how to incorporate the number 10 into this mix??
    I really want to focus on the #10 as he's feeling uneasy about turning double digits.

  41. I would incorporate turning 10 into the clue wording. The Evil Dr. Chaos is trying to prevent him from turning 10 could be the plot behind his evil plans. Make it seem like turning 10 is the most awesome thing ever. Use 10 items on the tray for memory training, with a $10 bill, etc. After all, you can't become a Double-O something without reaching double digits! Aha, use "Double Agent" for it. Now that he is 10 he can become a double agent!

  42. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  43. PS. I couldn't see the photo's either, they're replaced with an ad for an internet provider, also the links came up with an error message, can you please e-mail me as much as you have saved on your PC, for printing out badges, the fonts for clues, etc... You have created something so amazing for all your kids they will remember for a lifetime, and the fact you are willing to share this with the world makes this an incredible gift for so many children, you should put it together as a pack and sell it!

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  45. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  46. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  48. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  49. Wow, this is so amazing! I would be so grateful if you would share your graphics and spy pages with me. I'll email you now! Thanks in advance!
    - Jenny

  50. This is great! I want to make a spy party for my son and use a lot of your stuff.

  51. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  52. As all the others have said above you did an amazing job! Your kids are so lucky to have an incredible mom like you :) I am planning my 8year olds spy party and would love your printable. I will send you an email! Thanks.

  53. Anonymous with "Sweet Pea" in email, please re-send your email. The one you sent is un-deliverable because it says it doesn't exist. I would love to be able to send you the files.

  54. Thank you soooo much for sharing! Anything of your files will be greatly appreciated, as I share your interest in planning exhausting and detailed parties. How can I resist for my baby turning 7, special requesting a spy party!

  55. Hi there,

    This is an incredible party, and I just love all the attention to detail. Please could you send me the NSA seal and spy handbook pages- my daughters' birthday is next month, and I would love to get started in planning her party. Thanks for sharing your ideas and materials! I did also send you an email (from South Africa).

  56. This is an incredible party, and I just love all the attention to detail. Please could you send me the NSA seal and spy handbook pages- my daughters' birthday is next month, and I would love to get started in planning her party. Thanks for sharing your ideas and materials! I did also send you an email (from South Africa).

  57. Hi There!

    You did such a wonderful creative job in putting together a party for your son which he will remember for years to come! We just came back from The Spy Museum in Washington D.C. with my soon-to-be-nine year old daughter requesting a Spy Party. I was hoping that you would email your graphics and spy manual activities. They are just awesome!

    Kind Regards-

  58. Jeanne, I would love to send them to you! Please email me so I know where to send them birthdayblueprint{at}gmail{dot}com.

  59. Awesome party theme and ideas. I sent an email to ask for print outs of the great party supplies. Thanks for providing and giving inspiration.

  60. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  61. T Goudy, I am not sure why I haven't received your email. Please add your email address as a comment on here. I will not publish comments with email addresses in them, so I will be the only one to see it when I moderate comments. Sorry for the delay.

  62. Hi,
    Your party ideas sound amazing. My daughter has requested a spy party and I love your ideas. I would love to get the spy handout and other documents from you if possible.
    Shall I just email you on the birthdayblueprint email?
    Let me know.

  63. Hi,
    Your party ideas sound amazing. My daughter has requested a spy party and I love your ideas. I would love to get the spy handout and other documents from you if possible.
    Shall I just email you on the birthdayblueprint email?
    Let me know.

  64. You can email me, or leave a comment here. Any comments with email addresses in them I will not publish.

  65. These are all amazing ideas for a party! Love them, thank you!

  66. Wow!!! This looks absolutely amazing! I just send you an email for the spy handbook and other documents. My son is going the be the happiest one in the Netherland ;-)

  67. I am extremely after reading your blog. I can't wait to receive your email and get started. I thought I might give the kids a spy kit on arrival with a lanyard that has their face, code name and NSA emblem. My husband is going to use your mission statement but we will video him from behind so his identiy as chief of the spy agency is not blown. This will go in the envelope. Also another game for the identification skill is going to be identifying objects from partial photographs. And reading invisible ink - using white crayon on paper and using dye to reveal the words. Thanks for your inspiration.

  68. I am so inspired by you blog and can't wait to receive your resources and go shopping. I thought I'd give my kids a spy kit and an identification card on arrival. I also thought of two other activities; identifying unknown objects - using partial photos of everyday objects and revealing messages that use invisible ink - white crayon and dye. Thanks for your great ideas. My daughter is as excited as her mother.

  69. I am super impressed! I am planning a party for my 7 year old and can't wait to use all of your wonderful ideas. Thank you for your willingness to share all of your hard work. Now, if I can just figure out how to make those super cool idea badges you made. Any suggestions?

  70. Hi again,

    Not sure if you have received my email. I just sent another one. My daughter's party is this Sunday. Would love it if you could send me your handbook materials. Loved your ideas.

  71. AshleyD, leave a comment with your email address and I will send you the files! I won't publish comments with email addresses.

    To everyone:If you have emailed me and haven't received a reply within a few days, leave a comment with your email address also.

    Sounds like some emails still aren't making it to me.

  72. Due to the time commitment for me, and problems with you getting files, I have started using for sharing the files!!! Just click on the links in the post and download them for free!
    Now instead of posting your email addresses, you can just post your additional ideas and happy thoughts for the Spy Party.

  73. You ROCK! Thank you so much for making these files available.

  74. Thank you Lunar daughter. My daughter's party is this weekend and she is so excited as are her guests. I used a code name generator on the net to come up with spy names the kids will use and a barcode maker so on arrival the kids will get their lanyard with their information. I also had parents reply to the secretary of the NSA, Australia and when they did I asked for a photo of their child to add their identification lanyard. My husband got involved as the head of NSA and we videoed him asking the kids to save their treats from Dr Evil Chaos. Loving it. Also made an identifying game instead of shoe game - I have taken photos of part of everyday objects and the kids will need to work out what they are. See I'm way too excited. Thanks again.

  75. Sweet Lord you are AMAZING for sharing your talent! Thank you!!!! I can't wait for our party!

  76. I am to a great degree in the wake of perusing your web journal. I can hardly wait to get your email and begin. I thought I may give the children a spy unit on landing with a cord that has their face, code name and NSA token. My spouse is going to utilize your statement of purpose yet we will feature him from behind so his identiy as head of the spy organization is not blown.

    science experiments for kids

  77. Looked high and low on the internet for spy/detective party ideas an yours is by far the best one! Thanks so much for all the hard work you did on sharing all the details in this post! You are an awesome blogger!

  78. I love this and the fact that you shared these details with other parents to use. You are so generous. Thankyou. I would love if you could share your handbook and seal and other documents. I will send you my email. Thankyou again and can't wait to do this party. Nikki

  79. My daughter has recently watched spy kids and wants a spy theme birthday party for her 9th birthday. You have saved me alot alot of work! I am so grateful. Thank you sooooo much for sharing!

  80. Thank you VERY much for making it easy to plan a party that I had NO inkling of and now my 10 year old daughter will have what she dreamt of

  81. YOUR PARTY IS AWSOME. Did you give every one get their own clue sheet? LEZAH

  82. YOUR PARTY SOUNDS GREAT. Did you give every one their own clue sheet?

  83. I didn't give everyone their own clues. We just had the boys take turns reading them.

  84. Thanks for sharing all your fabulous ideas. We just had my son's 7th birthday party borrowing heavily from your website. I was exhausted by the end of it - and we only did an hour and a half, but the kids absolutely loved it!
    Karen - St Albans, England

  85. Thank you for sharing. You're amazing!!! *hugs*

  86. Thank you so much for all of your ideas! They made my son's 7th birthday party a huge hit!! We all had so much fun!

  87. Wow! You're amazing! Thanks for sharing

  88. Thank you for sharing so generously. I hope to plan a fun party for my soon to be seven. His birthday is 2 weeks away and he told me today it he wants it to be spy theme. I didn't know where to start. Thanks again! - Geeram

  89. Thanx for sharing!!! I'm translating (ofcourse with my own twist ;) it for my daughters birthday next saturday in Dutch. Still a lot of work but so happy with your blueprint so i don't have to made up everything myself!! Thank you, thank you!!

  90. I just wanted to say, you did an AWESOME job! I'm getting ready to host an escape room birthday party for older kids but I think I will incorporate a few of your clues also. Excellent work!

  91. Amazing! Thank you so much!!!

  92. this is a great idea if i was not to old i would have my party like this but i like the idea for my younger sister who is super hyper i always used to play spies with her so this would be a great idea!

  93. Thanks for so many wonderfull ideas, we will use some of the for my son his 9 birthday party ! greetings from the Netherlands !!!

  94. This is amazing. Thank you so much for freely sharing all your hard work! We are going to definitely use a lot of this!

  95. Thank you VERY MUCH for all your ideas and all your shared files. I had a spy/secret agent party for my 7-year-old and took a lot from your ideas and everything rocked!!!! I was a little nervous because it was the first time I was having a b-day party at home but, being a teacher, I took the challenge. Now my friends want to hire me for their children's birthday parties :) it was the best party EVER!!!!!! THANK YOU!!

  96. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  97. Thanks for sharing your info. I really appreciate your efforts and I will be waiting for your further write ups thanks once again.


  98. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  99. Great event! Thank you for all the documents!

  100. Wow…really amazing! Thanks for sharing the wonderful idea and pictures of kids birthday party. I loved it.

  101. Amazing!!Thanks for sharing, i really appreciate! I’m doing a kim possible theme party, and thanks to you we’ll have a great day! Awesome content!

  102. I used this idea and created a spy day for my kiddos. They ABSOLUTELY loved it! I of course took some creative liberties but thank you so so much for the detailed explanation. It made planning so much easier! Although I had to create everything from scratch and it took 3 days but for real this was a fantastic idea and we ALL loved it as a family.
